Human Trafficking Resource

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Skinny Thursday

What I know is . . .Thursday tends to be an extremely significant day when it comes to DIETING.
It's the day when all the salad I made for "the week" begins to wilt, fast-food coupons come in the mail. Suddenly, it becomes a crap shoot whether I'll allow the boys to order pizza or make a puny batch of boiled chicken.
I'm sure none of you can relate to hugely important topic of weight loss. (No pun intended)
Me? It''s been a life-long battle I'm currently losing. Someone I love suggested instead of staying miserable,
 I Do Something About It-
Instead of running to the pantry and inhaling a six-pack of Pop-Tarts in retaliation, I put my sneakers on, went for a walk,read my daily devotion and sat down at the computer to work on my book series.
These are the three simple things I know hold the key to balance in my life.
Guess what? I FEEL BETTER. So, if I KNOW this....then????
Someone else invited me and a girlfriend to attend a new Overeaters Anonymous group.
While I'm sure we'll never go, I love what she said, and I quote...
 Well, if that's true lady, then watch out Little Debbie, my longtime Dealer -
I'm calling the Police!


  1. Great blog. Love the thought of trying Thurs instead of Mon for the day of trial. OR the three things I could do to feel better tactic. Thanks for this
    Sheri Noble

  2. Michael Mulligan Skinny Thursday...catchy name. And great advice, too. I look forward to reading more. See you next Thursday

  3. Cynthia Griggs Niswonger Yup. I can soooo relate. Nice writing :~)

  4. Heather Close-Dixon Nice...
