Human Trafficking Resource

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Baby Bird

The Baby Bird

We live in the country and are fortunate enough to be surrounded by many critters.
Some days we feel more fortunate than others. Two weeks ago we got to climb up on a  stool and watch five baby birds hatch and subsequently learn to fly out of their nest.
I knew enough not to touch them, no matter how tempted I was to help the Mother Bird feed them.
I considered laying soft yarn out so she could build a fluffier nest for her babies.
 I suppose in all my desire to help, I realize that Gods got this. He has got their lives laid out just like He has mine sorted out. Just like He knew my path before I was ever born.
He adores His creatures great and small and has provided for them like I never could.
As adorable as they all can be at times, there are times when less would definitely be more.
Sometimes, like when the squirrels devour our vegetable garden like Pac-man it's frustrating.
When the mice and squirrels built a nest in my truck engine and cost a small fortune
I was livid, but knew they were just trying to get out of the rain. Argh!
Yesterday, I threw a tennis ball for a last chance at catch with our Labrador retriever as I was
walking out the door for work. He jumped high in the air and one of his front paws landed
wrong in a hole, courtesy of the local gopher population. He whimpered and it broke my heart
to see him hurting.  I felt better after I gave him some cheese and got him into the garage so he could rest.
Today, I came home from work and saw a tiny baby birdie trapped in a glue trap. My heart ripped open.
I ran into the house crying and started grabbing anything I could to assist me in helping this poor suffering bird. I sat on the hot concrete crying and begging God to give me the wisdom to know what to do for His bird.
I did everything I could to save him and sent up gut wrenching pleas for mercy to our Lord. I got him un-stuck and tried to soak his fragile wings free of glue. I felt so helpless. I felt guilty for making the mistake of having those dumb traps in the first place. As much as I wanted the mice out of my books and crafts, the method seemed down right cruel in hindsight.
The lesson I received courtesy of the Holy Spirit is that just as God cares for each little creature as He says in scripture how much more does He care for us?
For a moment I caught a glimpse of God sitting in the driveway doing everything He could to help me not to suffer. I saw Him surrounded by tools that may have helped fix my brokenness. I saw Him weep and I saw Him cry out unashamed begging for mercy for me. Tears stream down my cheeks as I relish in the love My Father in Heaven has for me today and I heave a heavy sigh for the baby bird that I did everything I could to save.

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