Human Trafficking Resource

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Island of Squandered Blessings

I'm ashamed to admit how many times I've been given an opportunity, only to lose interest and wander off onto something else entirely. It's not that I'm ungrateful mind you, I just get distracted by something newer, shinier, sparkly even. "Ohhhh... glitter...aahhh and just like that, I've squandered another blessing.
Yesterday in the face of all things lovely, I chose instead to solidify my God-given purpose and recommit to finishing my first book Saving Savannah. I was so tempted to dive headfirst into another spectacular venture while worthwhile, untimely.
I imagined an Island of Squandered Blessings that I literally needed thigh-high wader-boots to trudge through and just-like-that I GOT IT!
My desire to please God starts with a continued alignment to today's blessing, only then will I be available for his next purpose in my life.
All that shiny stuff out there glistening I see for what it is today; a mirage on the Island of Squandered Blessings.


  1. I understand that to a tee. Life is so pleantiful and the blessings are too many to count, like stars.

  2. Nice job, Stacey. My mother told me if the devil can't stop you, another weapon He uses is to make you super busy. Your book will make a difference in the lives of others. Glad to hear you are on track to complete it.

  3. Your my hero. I love your writing. It makes my heart feel good (((HUG))) Also you are a great blessing to me. I look forward to reading more :)

  4. I am looking forward to the completion of this amazing book! A story and legacy in its pages that will continue on!
